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X5D4;מרכז למידע בנושאי טכנולוגיות לשימור מוצרים לאחר הקציר. X5D4;רחבת הידע בנושאי טכנולוגיות בנות קיימא. X5D1;דגש על אחסון והדברה בעלות היתכנות כלכלית. X5DE;תן יעוץ והכוונה מקצועית. X5D4;פצת הידע הנצבר ופרסומו. X5D1;קרת מזיקים למזון ולרכוש.
The Netherlands Bangladesh Business Platform provides practical economic information about Bangladesh to Dutch entrepreneurs and investors. The platform bundles information on all that is relevant for doing business in Bangladesh. Dutch companies and entrepreneurs share their experiences on doing business with, and in Bangladesh. Read more about Trade Missions.
DO-IT believes we can contribute towards a sustainable world through organic farming and trading in organic commodities and consumer brands. We cooperate with our partners in agricultural projects.
Suminter India Organics, a Mumbai-based company, was founded in 2004 on the notion that organic farming contracted out to small farmers in India would not only help to fulfill the worldwide growing demand for organic produce but also lead the participating farmers to greater economic stability. Friday, September 18, 2009. INVESTMENTS IN QUALITY AT SUMINTER. Suminter India Organics is now the first company in India dedicated to organic food to have its own Eco2 system imported form the Netherlands.
For more than 57 years, the Arnaoutelis S. rice industry works in the. Field of processing and standardization of rice and legumes. Powered by AllWeb Solutions S.
Methods of measuring the operational energy of buildings are well established. Emissions generated from the energy needed for the extraction, processing, transport and installation of building materials. In collaboration with the University of Brighton as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, Phlorum have developed a software tool to measure embodied carbon in new developments.
Aussi, le bilan carbone de votre activité est un critère de plus en plus déterminant pour mesurer la performance environnementale de votre société. Nous pensons qu il est possible de transformer ces contraintes environnementales en une véritable opportunité, non seulement pour l environnement, mais aussi pour nos clients. Notre approche innovante s appuie sur l Office National des Forêts. Et sur l association Cœur de Forêt.
Mikä on energia- ja ilmastotiekartta? Hiilineutraali Tampere vuonna 2050 edellyttää merkittäviä vähennyksiä ilmastopäästöissä, satsauksia uusiutuvaan energiaan ja suunnitelmallisia muutoksia toimintatavoissa. Ilmastopäästöjen vähentämiseksi Tampereen kaupunki luo ilmastotiekartan, jonka avulla suunnitellaan ja ohjataan kaupungin energia- ja ilmastopolitiikkaa. Haluatko pysyä kuulolla tiekarttatyön etenemisestä ja sen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista? .
Venezia 02357250279 Capitale Sociale Euro 100.